Friedenspolitische Akteure in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Samantha Ruppel, 2023.
Hopes and dreams: youth activities in civil society organizations in post-conflict countries
Samantha Ruppel & Lucas Steinbach, 2023.
Goethe goes UNO: Forschungsorientierte Lehre im Bereich der Vereinten Nationen.
Samantha Ruppel & Julia Leib, 2023.
Supporting Local Actors in Times of Conflict: The Civil Peace Service and Its Various Actors
Samantha Ruppel, Bernd Rieche, Debey Sayndee, T., Christoph Schlimpert & María Requena López, 2023.
Lokal verankerte Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung zwischen Partnerschaft und Machtungleichgewicht
Samantha Ruppel, 2023.
Rethinking shrinking civic space in the Global Souths – how development donors contribute to the restriction of civil society in Jordan
Alena Sander, 2022.
Contesting practices of aid localization in Jordan and Lebanon: Civil society organizations’ mobilization of local knowledge
Elena Aoun, Lyla André & Alena Sander, 2023.
Same but Different
The Role of Local Leaders in the Peace Processes in Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2022
Länder aktuell
Liberia, 2022
The Dance of Peace and Justice